About Me

  My name is Angelini Pierre. I was born July 28th, 1996 at Kings County hospital in 

 Brooklyn,NY. My family is from Haiti.  I’d like to consider my family as dysfunctionally 


working humans. We love each other but it isn’t really shown much. I wish it was shown a lot 


more though. I come from a very strict household. I didn’t get to go outside and have fun like 

the “normal” kid. I stayed inside a lot of my childhood helping my parents figure things out like 


finances and filing out A LOT of paper work , as well helping my 3 younger brothers do 


homework. My biggest accomplishment was leaving my parents house when I got my first job 


and turned 18 years old. It was a moment I would never forget. Finally, freedom was ahead for 


me. Little did I know, I lacked so much because I was so sheltered. I failed at the concept of 


communication. See, growing up my family didn’t communicate their feelings or expression. 


Growing up I was very socially awkward and shy. I never went out my way to make friends, they 


always came to me. I never really knew how to keep a conversation going or knew that right 


things to say. I lacked a lot. I didn’t realize how much of an impact it would have on me until I 


left my parents house. I always knew I wanted to make a difference in the world I just didn’t 


know how. 



After graduating Hillcrest High school in June 2014, I was supposed to attend LaGuardia 


that fall. My major was going to be in nursing. I decided after I moved out of my parents house 


that I no longer wanted to become a nurse. That’s what my parents wanted me to be. I wanted 


something different. I wasn’t quite sure what that was but I knew nursing wasn’t for me. I 

always felt I was meant to be a creator of some sort. I wanted something that I could attach my 

name to and not have to worry about what others thought because it was for me! Growing up in 

school I was never really the “smartest” when it came to math or science or history. I always 

excelled in art class. My grades were decent for the other classes but art class just gave me 

sense of creative expression. It gave me a voice on paper. My younger brother was the “ideal” 

kid for my parents. 


    He excelled in all the things I didn’t. He was the first one to attend college in my family. My 


parents were always so proud of him. It gave me doubt growing up. I felt like I could never be as 


smart as he was or that I would never make the grades he would. Even when I actually did start 


getting good grades, I didn’t get that same recognition he did. After high school, I had countless  


dead end jobs that didn’t make me happy. I felt under appreciated for the things I actually 


brought to the table. After having my daughter in 2018, I felt like I owed her something more. 


She deserved a mom who went out for her dreams no matter what the outcome was. She 


deserved a mom with a voice. She deserved a boss mom. I applied for LaGuardia college on


February 1st ,2019, my daughters first birthday. 



Owning my own business would be my ultimate goal. I wanted to be large and in charge. 


Owning my own business would allow me to show my daughter that anything is possible and 


that you should always do what makes you happy first. Never settle for anything less than what 


you’re worth.  My business would not only allow my to help my daughter see that its possible 


but it would also be a way for me to be able to help out people who are less fortunate or need 

that extra support when they are told they would never have it. I wanted to be able to make a 


difference in not only my daughters eyes but as well as anybody who needs it weather it be


through words or encouragement or financial resources. I just really want to be able to give 

back and help because growing up I didn’t really get that supportive or positive out look that I 



    I had to search for it. Luckily, my last year of high school came and I came across my 

daughters father. He made me feel like I could conquer the world. I just had to believe it myself. 

The biggest issue I have and still fight to this day is feeling like I’m not deserving of the things 

I’m searching for. I have times where I get very doubtful in my own ability to accomplish the 

goals I set out for myself. Then I get overwhelmed and get anxiety which leads to panic attacks 

if everything is just to much. I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t do really well under pressure. 

In fact , I hate being put under pressure. Although some might say “diamonds a made under 

 pressure” , this rock isn’t quite a diamond yet. My anxiety and over thinking kicks into 

overdrive and doesn’t always allow me to get the best outcome but I’m working on it.


