My Cooking Journey During COVID-19

March 2020, The beginning of my food adventure. Growing up i wasn’t to keen on cooking but ENJOYED watching cooking competition. I know what you’re thinking if you enjoy watching the show then you should enjoy actually doing it ? Right ? Well no , i actually hated cooking until quarantine started I only cooked because I had to feed my daughter. Quick and easy meals were my go to. Hoping they were seasoned enough to have some sort of flavor. Covid-19 changed that for me. Because we were stuck in the house on lock down, I had no choice but to try and learn something new. I choose to learn how to cook and bring different things to the table, literally. My household was use to eating the same things every week. The meals became boring because I knew exactly what we were having every week. I decided to challenge myself by introducing new things to our palette. My goal was to learn how to make great tasting food that would feed the soul. My first meal attempt to this challenge was making  medium well steak, cheesy mashed potatoes and corn. I started by rinsing the meat to clean off any excess blood, patted it down then seasoned a tad bit  aggressively with salt and fresh cracked pepper. I heated my pan on medium heat. I chopped up some garlic and threw it in the pan with some butter. I let the butter melt and let the pan get seasoned with they garlic i threw in the steak and flip it occasionally. Mind you, i didn’t look over a recipe for timing i just did what I saw on TV. Spooned some of the garlicky butter onto the steak and keep flipping. I would say i did this for about 10 to 15 mins. Because i had to do this 3 times because i was cooking 3 steaks, I decided instant mashed potatoes sounded really good instead of making homemade mash potatoes at the moment. Just boil water. I loved the sound of that. I also added some frozen corn and ta-da ! The meal was complete. To my surprise it was really good. Really good like clean your plate good. That’s what my fiancé did. Didn’t even have to ask him if it was okay. His plate said it all. My daughter even ate it. From their knew there was way more I was capable of , I just had to do it and be consistent. Thanks to us being locked down in quarantine I learned something new and beneficial ! That was just the beginning ! 
