
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Financial journey

  My financial journey has been quite the experience. I have learned a lot about myself over the past couple years. When I was younger my father introduced me to money at a very early age. He wanted to teach me what money was and it’s importance. My dad wasn’t really good at saving , my mom on the other hand had a lot of discipline. I didn’t really understand the concept of saving money until I was working on my and bringing in my own income. Whenever I had it , I’d spend it not thinking about the future.  I would create a budget for myself of all the things I wanted and the total it would all be. Every week I would get my nails done, order food, do laundry , go shopping and made sure I paid my phone bill. I would do this every week until the next time I got paid. I was living paycheck to paycheck. It wasn’t until one of my coworkers challenged me to save some money. I had no reason to save but I challenged myself anyway. At the time I was sleeping on a f uton couch   and decided that

About Me

   My name is Angelini Pierre. I was born July 28 th , 1996 at Kings County hospital in     Brooklyn,NY. My family is from Haiti.     I’d like to consider my family as dysfunctionally     working humans. We love each other but it isn’t really shown much. I wish it was shown a lot    more though. I come from a very strict household. I didn’t get to go outside and have fun like  the  “normal” kid. I stayed inside a lot of my childhood helping my parents figure things out like     finances and filing out A LOT of paper work , as well helping my 3 younger brothers do    homework. My biggest accomplishment was leaving my parents house when I got my first job    and turned 18 years old. It was a moment I would never forget. Finally, freedom was ahead for    me. Little did I know, I lacked so much because I was so sheltered. I failed at the concept of    communication. See, growing up my family didn’t communicate their feelings or expression.    Growing up I was very socially awkward and shy.