
Showing posts from April, 2021

COVID and Mental Health

Did you know that COVID 19 can affect your mental health ? I didn’t. Back in March 2020 my fiancé and I had the virus. We never got tested by the way but it wasn’t hard to tell that we had. In the beginning of the year we took ALOT of trips outside. Experiencing things we’ve never experienced before. After all the fun was done. We got sick.     It was just me at first, I had a really bad cough that I couldn’t shake for about 2-3 months. It was so bad, I felt like I had mucus in my chest. My fiancé got sick but his symptoms were very different compared to mine. He lost his appetite and was always cold. Sometimes I would find him shaking in bed even when he had blankets on. His symptoms scared me. I’ve never seen him like this before. All I could do was give him Gatorade’s and water. His stomach couldn’t tolerate anything else. Not even soups. I hated seeing him like this. As the days went on he started losing a lot of weight. As I was helping him try and get better I was noticing that I

Starting my fitness journey all over again

Growing up I've always been relatively small in weight to the point my dad would always tell me that i need to eat more and my mom would say I don't eat because I'm trying to stay "sexy". My parents are from Haiti by the way. If you know then you know. In their culture being a skinny was a bad thing. I never really thought about my weight being an issue to me because I thought I looked okay. I was in my teenage years and I was very active as far as physical exercise. Some might say I had an athlete build. I was ranging from anywhere to 135 lbs to 145 lbs, I always wore a size small in shirts and a size 4 or 6 in pants.  My weight never went past that range until I turned 19 when I started eating more because I was introduced to a different palette. For the first time every my weight went up to 165 lbs I was happy being in that range because my clothes fit differently. I was filling out the gaps that I previously had. I started wearing Mediums in shirts and could w